Source code for reporting

Implementation of reporter classes, which are triggered on particular events. Reporters
are generally intended to  provide information to the user, store checkpoints, etc.

import time

from neat.math_util import mean, stdev

[docs]class ReporterSet(object): """ Keeps track of the set of reporters and gives methods to dispatch them at appropriate points. """ def __init__(self): self.reporters = []
[docs] def add(self, reporter): self.reporters.append(reporter)
[docs] def remove(self, reporter): self.reporters.remove(reporter)
[docs] def start_generation(self, gen): for r in self.reporters: r.start_generation(gen)
[docs] def end_generation(self, config, population, species_set): for r in self.reporters: r.end_generation(config, population, species_set)
[docs] def post_evaluate(self, config, population, species, best_genome): for r in self.reporters: r.post_evaluate(config, population, species, best_genome)
[docs] def post_reproduction(self, config, population, species): for r in self.reporters: r.post_reproduction(config, population, species)
[docs] def complete_extinction(self): for r in self.reporters: r.complete_extinction()
[docs] def found_solution(self, config, generation, best): for r in self.reporters: r.found_solution(config, generation, best)
[docs] def species_stagnant(self, sid, species): for r in self.reporters: r.species_stagnant(sid, species)
[docs] def info(self, msg): for r in self.reporters:
[docs]class BaseReporter(object): """Definition of the reporter interface expected by ReporterSet."""
[docs] def start_generation(self, generation): pass
[docs] def end_generation(self, config, population, species_set): pass
[docs] def post_evaluate(self, config, population, species, best_genome): pass
[docs] def post_reproduction(self, config, population, species): pass
[docs] def complete_extinction(self): pass
[docs] def found_solution(self, config, generation, best): pass
[docs] def species_stagnant(self, sid, species): pass
[docs] def info(self, msg): pass
[docs]class StdOutReporter(BaseReporter): """Uses `print` to output information about the run; an example reporter class.""" def __init__(self, show_species_detail): self.show_species_detail = show_species_detail self.generation = None self.generation_start_time = None self.generation_times = [] self.num_extinctions = 0 def start_generation(self, generation): self.generation = generation print('\n ****** Running generation {0} ****** \n'.format(generation)) self.generation_start_time = time.time() def end_generation(self, config, population, species_set): ng = len(population) ns = len(species_set.species) if self.show_species_detail: print('Population of {0:d} members in {1:d} species:'.format(ng, ns)) print(" ID age size fitness adj fit stag") print(" ==== === ==== ========= ======= ====") for sid in sorted(species_set.species): s = species_set.species[sid] a = self.generation - s.created n = len(s.members) f = "--" if is None else f"{}" af = "--" if s.adjusted_fitness is None else f"{s.adjusted_fitness:.3f}" st = self.generation - s.last_improved print(f" {sid:>4} {a:>3} {n:>4} {f:>9} {af:>7} {st:>4}") else: print('Population of {0:d} members in {1:d} species'.format(ng, ns)) elapsed = time.time() - self.generation_start_time self.generation_times.append(elapsed) self.generation_times = self.generation_times[-10:] average = sum(self.generation_times) / len(self.generation_times) print('Total extinctions: {0:d}'.format(self.num_extinctions)) if len(self.generation_times) > 1: print("Generation time: {0:.3f} sec ({1:.3f} average)".format(elapsed, average)) else: print("Generation time: {0:.3f} sec".format(elapsed)) def post_evaluate(self, config, population, species, best_genome): # pylint: disable=no-self-use fitnesses = [ for c in population.values()] fit_mean = mean(fitnesses) fit_std = stdev(fitnesses) best_species_id = species.get_species_id(best_genome.key) print('Population\'s average fitness: {0:3.5f} stdev: {1:3.5f}'.format(fit_mean, fit_std)) print( 'Best fitness: {0:3.5f} - size: {1!r} - species {2} - id {3}'.format(, best_genome.size(), best_species_id, best_genome.key)) def complete_extinction(self): self.num_extinctions += 1 print('All species extinct.') def found_solution(self, config, generation, best): print('\nBest individual in generation {0} meets fitness threshold - complexity: {1!r}'.format( self.generation, best.size())) def species_stagnant(self, sid, species): if self.show_species_detail: print("\nSpecies {0} with {1} members is stagnated: removing it".format(sid, len(species.members))) def info(self, msg): print(msg)