Source code for graphs

"""Directed graph algorithm implementations."""

[docs]def creates_cycle(connections, test): """ Returns true if the addition of the 'test' connection would create a cycle, assuming that no cycle already exists in the graph represented by 'connections'. """ i, o = test if i == o: return True visited = {o} while True: num_added = 0 for a, b in connections: if a in visited and b not in visited: if b == i: return True visited.add(b) num_added += 1 if num_added == 0: return False
[docs]def required_for_output(inputs, outputs, connections): """ Collect the nodes whose state is required to compute the final network output(s). :param inputs: list of the input identifiers :param outputs: list of the output node identifiers :param connections: list of (input, output) connections in the network. NOTE: It is assumed that the input identifier set and the node identifier set are disjoint. By convention, the output node ids are always the same as the output index. Returns a set of identifiers of required nodes. """ required = set(outputs) s = set(outputs) while 1: # Find nodes not in S whose output is consumed by a node in s. t = set(a for (a, b) in connections if b in s and a not in s) if not t: break layer_nodes = set(x for x in t if x not in inputs) if not layer_nodes: break required = required.union(layer_nodes) s = s.union(t) return required
[docs]def feed_forward_layers(inputs, outputs, connections): """ Collect the layers whose members can be evaluated in parallel in a feed-forward network. :param inputs: list of the network input nodes :param outputs: list of the output node identifiers :param connections: list of (input, output) connections in the network. Returns a list of layers, with each layer consisting of a set of node identifiers. Note that the returned layers do not contain nodes whose output is ultimately never used to compute the final network output. """ required = required_for_output(inputs, outputs, connections) layers = [] s = set(inputs) while 1: # Find candidate nodes c for the next layer. These nodes should connect # a node in s to a node not in s. c = set(b for (a, b) in connections if a in s and b not in s) # Keep only the used nodes whose entire input set is contained in s. t = set() for n in c: if n in required and all(a in s for (a, b) in connections if b == n): t.add(n) if not t: break layers.append(t) s = s.union(t) return layers