Source code for reproduction

Handles creation of genomes, either from scratch or by sexual or
asexual reproduction from parents.

import math
import random
from itertools import count

from neat.config import ConfigParameter, DefaultClassConfig
from neat.math_util import mean

# TODO: Provide some sort of optional cross-species performance criteria, which
# are then used to control stagnation and possibly the mutation rate
# configuration. This scheme should be adaptive so that species do not evolve
# to become "cautious" and only make very slow progress.

[docs]class DefaultReproduction(DefaultClassConfig): """ Implements the default NEAT-python reproduction scheme: explicit fitness sharing with fixed-time species stagnation. """
[docs] @classmethod def parse_config(cls, param_dict): return DefaultClassConfig(param_dict, [ConfigParameter('elitism', int, 0), ConfigParameter('survival_threshold', float, 0.2), ConfigParameter('min_species_size', int, 1)])
def __init__(self, config, reporters, stagnation): # pylint: disable=super-init-not-called self.reproduction_config = config self.reporters = reporters self.genome_indexer = count(1) self.stagnation = stagnation self.ancestors = {}
[docs] def create_new(self, genome_type, genome_config, num_genomes): new_genomes = {} for i in range(num_genomes): key = next(self.genome_indexer) g = genome_type(key) g.configure_new(genome_config) new_genomes[key] = g self.ancestors[key] = tuple() return new_genomes
[docs] @staticmethod def compute_spawn(adjusted_fitness, previous_sizes, pop_size, min_species_size): """Compute the proper number of offspring per species (proportional to fitness).""" af_sum = sum(adjusted_fitness) spawn_amounts = [] for af, ps in zip(adjusted_fitness, previous_sizes): if af_sum > 0: s = max(min_species_size, af / af_sum * pop_size) else: s = min_species_size d = (s - ps) * 0.5 c = int(round(d)) spawn = ps if abs(c) > 0: spawn += c elif d > 0: spawn += 1 elif d < 0: spawn -= 1 spawn_amounts.append(spawn) # Normalize the spawn amounts so that the next generation is roughly # the population size requested by the user. total_spawn = sum(spawn_amounts) norm = pop_size / total_spawn spawn_amounts = [max(min_species_size, int(round(n * norm))) for n in spawn_amounts] return spawn_amounts
[docs] def reproduce(self, config, species, pop_size, generation): """ Handles creation of genomes, either from scratch or by sexual or asexual reproduction from parents. """ # TODO: I don't like this modification of the species and stagnation objects, # because it requires internal knowledge of the objects. # Filter out stagnated species, collect the set of non-stagnated # species members, and compute their average adjusted fitness. # The average adjusted fitness scheme (normalized to the interval # [0, 1]) allows the use of negative fitness values without # interfering with the shared fitness scheme. all_fitnesses = [] remaining_species = [] for stag_sid, stag_s, stagnant in self.stagnation.update(species, generation): if stagnant: self.reporters.species_stagnant(stag_sid, stag_s) else: all_fitnesses.extend( for m in stag_s.members.values()) remaining_species.append(stag_s) # The above comment was not quite what was happening - now getting fitnesses # only from members of non-stagnated species. # No species left. if not remaining_species: species.species = {} return {} # was [] # Find minimum/maximum fitness across the entire population, for use in # species adjusted fitness computation. min_fitness = min(all_fitnesses) max_fitness = max(all_fitnesses) # Do not allow the fitness range to be zero, as we divide by it below. # TODO: The ``1.0`` below is rather arbitrary, and should be configurable. fitness_range = max(1.0, max_fitness - min_fitness) for afs in remaining_species: # Compute adjusted fitness. msf = mean([ for m in afs.members.values()]) af = (msf - min_fitness) / fitness_range afs.adjusted_fitness = af adjusted_fitnesses = [s.adjusted_fitness for s in remaining_species] avg_adjusted_fitness = mean(adjusted_fitnesses) # type: float"Average adjusted fitness: {:.3f}".format(avg_adjusted_fitness)) # Compute the number of new members for each species in the new generation. previous_sizes = [len(s.members) for s in remaining_species] min_species_size = self.reproduction_config.min_species_size # Isn't the effective min_species_size going to be max(min_species_size, # self.reproduction_config.elitism)? That would probably produce more accurate tracking # of population sizes and relative fitnesses... doing. TODO: document. min_species_size = max(min_species_size, self.reproduction_config.elitism) spawn_amounts = self.compute_spawn(adjusted_fitnesses, previous_sizes, pop_size, min_species_size) new_population = {} species.species = {} for spawn, s in zip(spawn_amounts, remaining_species): # If elitism is enabled, each species always at least gets to retain its elites. spawn = max(spawn, self.reproduction_config.elitism) assert spawn > 0 # The species has at least one member for the next generation, so retain it. old_members = list(s.members.items()) s.members = {} species.species[s.key] = s # Sort members in order of descending fitness. old_members.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda x: x[1].fitness) # Transfer elites to new generation. if self.reproduction_config.elitism > 0: for i, m in old_members[:self.reproduction_config.elitism]: new_population[i] = m spawn -= 1 if spawn <= 0: continue # Only use the survival threshold fraction to use as parents for the next generation. repro_cutoff = int(math.ceil(self.reproduction_config.survival_threshold * len(old_members))) # Use at least two parents no matter what the threshold fraction result is. repro_cutoff = max(repro_cutoff, 2) old_members = old_members[:repro_cutoff] # Randomly choose parents and produce the number of offspring allotted to the species. while spawn > 0: spawn -= 1 parent1_id, parent1 = random.choice(old_members) parent2_id, parent2 = random.choice(old_members) # Note that if the parents are not distinct, crossover will produce a # genetically identical clone of the parent (but with a different ID). gid = next(self.genome_indexer) child = config.genome_type(gid) child.configure_crossover(parent1, parent2, config.genome_config) child.mutate(config.genome_config) # TODO: if config.genome_config.feed_forward, no cycles should exist new_population[gid] = child self.ancestors[gid] = (parent1_id, parent2_id) return new_population