Source code for attributes

"""Deals with the attributes (variable parameters) of genes"""
from random import choice, gauss, random, uniform, randint

from neat.config import ConfigParameter

# TODO: There is probably a lot of room for simplification of these classes using metaprogramming.

[docs]class BaseAttribute(object): """Superclass for the type-specialized attribute subclasses, used by genes.""" def __init__(self, name, **default_dict): = name # TODO: implement a mechanism that allows us to detect and report unused configuration items. for n, default in default_dict.items(): self._config_items[n] = [self._config_items[n][0], default] for n in self._config_items: setattr(self, n + "_name", self.config_item_name(n))
[docs] def config_item_name(self, config_item_base_name): return f"{}_{config_item_base_name}"
[docs] def get_config_params(self): return [ConfigParameter(self.config_item_name(n), ci[0], ci[1]) for n, ci in self._config_items.items()]
[docs]class FloatAttribute(BaseAttribute): """ Class for floating-point numeric attributes, such as the response of a node or the weight of a connection. """ _config_items = {"init_mean": [float, None], "init_stdev": [float, None], "init_type": [str, 'gaussian'], "replace_rate": [float, None], "mutate_rate": [float, None], "mutate_power": [float, None], "max_value": [float, None], "min_value": [float, None]}
[docs] def clamp(self, value, config): min_value = getattr(config, self.min_value_name) max_value = getattr(config, self.max_value_name) return max(min(value, max_value), min_value)
[docs] def init_value(self, config): mean = getattr(config, self.init_mean_name) stdev = getattr(config, self.init_stdev_name) init_type = getattr(config, self.init_type_name).lower() if ('gauss' in init_type) or ('normal' in init_type): return self.clamp(gauss(mean, stdev), config) if 'uniform' in init_type: min_value = max(getattr(config, self.min_value_name), (mean - (2 * stdev))) max_value = min(getattr(config, self.max_value_name), (mean + (2 * stdev))) return uniform(min_value, max_value) raise RuntimeError(f"Unknown init_type {getattr(config, self.init_type_name)!r} for {self.init_type_name!s}")
[docs] def mutate_value(self, value, config): # mutate_rate is usually no lower than replace_rate, and frequently higher - # so put first for efficiency mutate_rate = getattr(config, self.mutate_rate_name) r = random() if r < mutate_rate: mutate_power = getattr(config, self.mutate_power_name) return self.clamp(value + gauss(0.0, mutate_power), config) replace_rate = getattr(config, self.replace_rate_name) if r < replace_rate + mutate_rate: return self.init_value(config) return value
def validate(self, config): min_value = getattr(config, self.min_value_name) max_value = getattr(config, self.max_value_name) if max_value < min_value: raise RuntimeError("Invalid min/max configuration for {}")
class IntegerAttribute(BaseAttribute): """ Class for integer numeric attributes. """ _config_items = {"replace_rate": [float, None], "mutate_rate": [float, None], "mutate_power": [float, None], "max_value": [int, None], "min_value": [int, None]} def clamp(self, value, config): min_value = getattr(config, self.min_value_name) max_value = getattr(config, self.max_value_name) return max(min(value, max_value), min_value) def init_value(self, config): min_value = getattr(config, self.min_value_name) max_value = getattr(config, self.max_value_name) return randint(min_value, max_value) def mutate_value(self, value, config): # mutate_rate is usually no lower than replace_rate, and frequently higher - # so put first for efficiency mutate_rate = getattr(config, self.mutate_rate_name) r = random() if r < mutate_rate: mutate_power = getattr(config, self.mutate_power_name) return self.clamp(value + int(round(gauss(0.0, mutate_power))), config) replace_rate = getattr(config, self.replace_rate_name) if r < replace_rate + mutate_rate: return self.init_value(config) return value def validate(self, config): min_value = getattr(config, self.min_value_name) max_value = getattr(config, self.max_value_name) if max_value < min_value: raise RuntimeError("Invalid min/max configuration for {}")
[docs]class BoolAttribute(BaseAttribute): """Class for boolean attributes such as whether a connection is enabled or not.""" _config_items = {"default": [str, None], "mutate_rate": [float, None], "rate_to_true_add": [float, 0.0], "rate_to_false_add": [float, 0.0]}
[docs] def init_value(self, config): default = str(getattr(config, self.default_name)).lower() if default in ('1', 'on', 'yes', 'true'): return True elif default in ('0', 'off', 'no', 'false'): return False elif default in ('random', 'none'): return bool(random() < 0.5) raise RuntimeError(f"Unknown default value {default!r} for {!s}")
[docs] def mutate_value(self, value, config): mutate_rate = getattr(config, self.mutate_rate_name) if value: mutate_rate += getattr(config, self.rate_to_false_add_name) else: mutate_rate += getattr(config, self.rate_to_true_add_name) if mutate_rate > 0: r = random() if r < mutate_rate: # NOTE: we choose a random value here so that the mutation rate has the # same exact meaning as the rates given for the string and bool # attributes (the mutation operation *may* change the value but is not # guaranteed to do so). return random() < 0.5 return value
def validate(self, config): default = str(getattr(config, self.default_name)).lower() if default not in ('1', 'on', 'yes', 'true', '0', 'off', 'no', 'false', 'random', 'none'): raise RuntimeError("Invalid default value for {}")
[docs]class StringAttribute(BaseAttribute): """ Class for string attributes such as the aggregation function of a node, which are selected from a list of options. """ _config_items = {"default": [str, 'random'], "options": [list, None], "mutate_rate": [float, None]}
[docs] def init_value(self, config): default = getattr(config, self.default_name) if default.lower() in ('none', 'random'): options = getattr(config, self.options_name) return choice(options) return default
[docs] def mutate_value(self, value, config): mutate_rate = getattr(config, self.mutate_rate_name) if mutate_rate > 0: r = random() if r < mutate_rate: options = getattr(config, self.options_name) return choice(options) return value
def validate(self, config): default = getattr(config, self.default_name) if default not in ('none', 'random'): options = getattr(config, self.options_name) if default not in options: raise RuntimeError(f'Invalid initial value {default} for {}') assert default in options